Localcloud your local private cloud

Specialists in cloud work and backups as well as server virtualization

Store your data in a centralized cloud in a local data center, leave aside the large American multinationals and opt for a premium and personalized service.



Localcloud your local private cloud, a company specialized in cloud backups. Our goal is to offer remote backup solutions that ensure the protection and availability of your data at all times.

from localcloud

What Do We Offer?

Local cloud

Save your work in the cloud and access it from any device you want.


Automatically back up your data to our private servers

Security and confidentiality

No one will be able to access or spy on your data.

Own technical support

Our local technicians will give you all the support you need.

On Localcloud

We understand the importance of your data and are committed to providing you with the best protection and service. Trust us to keep your data safe and accessible, always.
